Words and images are inseparably entwined in the public’s mindset, but it was not always this way. Now, when painters choose cityscapes, words have no choice but to appear, but before, words were not always so easily found with images. Now, words and images are combined to produce a powerful punch. It gives the viewers something to read, something to process, something to wonder about. This combination can be found in all situations now, from CD covers to textbooks, they utilize everything they can to capture the viewer’s interest, and to increase recall of their product’s advertisement.
These are most often used in company logos in the modern age. They combine something that symbolizes their company, along with their company name or perhaps a few choice words to summarize their company’s dealings.
This particular combination of words and image is supposed to ensnare your attention, to draw your eye to it whether you wish to see it or not. It leads one’s eyes down, to the logo, the design, the words. One cannot help but think that the art of advertisement has almost been boiled down to a science—what direction they lead your eyes, to what they want you to think—they think more than you think when you see the picture.

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