There are a few basic elements: The picture, the biography, the interests section, and a contact section.
One kind of wonders, after a while, is this really ME, shoved into a small page? All of my quirks, everything that I use to beguile strangers in real life? You expect ME, my personality, everything about me to fit on this one small corner—not even corner, niche!—of the interwebs? How is this possible?
That was how it was designed. To get somebody’s interest, you first catch their attention with 1. Your picture. 2. Your interests. 3. The possibility that they can contact you. This all fits, perhaps, with your personal display of color added in the background, or in the text.
It’s a plot by an evil genius!
However, using this format, even then, we start to blend together. With the multitudes of people that swarm online every day, there is no possibility that you can possibly even THINK of recognizing every single person you’ve come across. This cannot be helped. Although depressing, one must always think of putting their best foot forward, one never knows who’s watching.

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