Although black and white designs are known to be very classy and traditional, the modern age has brought a barrage of colorful designs upon us. Although the stark contrast black and white designs bring us is really appealing, color often brings it to a whole new level. Not only does color bring “pop” to an advertisement or logo, it draws more attention to it. People are more likely to look to the colorized logo when placed side-by-side with a black and white logo.
The black and white design, as striking as it is, would take second place after a colorful logo. The colors also appeal to a wider range of people, as children and adults alike often prefer the brightness colors often provide.
By usage of color, people can also transfer or imply emotion. Viewers are left thinking about the advertisement they just saw, wondering why they’re feeling that way, and what made them feel that way. Colors also bring the viewer much more personal attachment than what just a black and white advertisement would bring. Even just slight accents of color are more appealing than plain black and white, this can be seen in the fashion industry where almost everything has been touched by color.

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