When one thinks of comics, one almost always mentally pictures an image with words in text bubbles. They’ve become melded together, and one rarely finds comics without words now.
Together, words and images create an impact. Or they meld together to create a more seamless idea, to let the viewer to more easily understand what is happening. Moreover, the words and images combine to tell a story. With a combination of simple lines to indicate motion, and different types of bubbles to tell if the character is thinking or talking, the reader is drawn in through his or her imagination, their ability to provide closure automatically bringing them far closer to the story than just words or pictures alone.
I believe that comics are so popular just because of this. They allow the reader to enter a different world—just through words and lines. The imagination supplies the rest. It brings the reader into the realm of dots of color and ink, of italics and underlines, of word bubbles and motion blurs. It requires active participation.
Comics have long been part of the world, but recently they have been integrated even into educational materials. I have seen my friends read books on calculus illustrated with anime characters, even coming with a plot line that wants you to think you aren’t learning anything when it’s slyly shoving it into the back of your mind. People are innovative. People are thoughtful.
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