Guns, knives, missiles, all of these weapons have one thing in common – they were designed to hurt. Whether to explode on impact, or to have the design to hurt the most from farthest away, or from up close, the designs of these weapons were under much thought and consideration, these were not designed for the benefit of society, these were supposedly designed for the safety of society.
Whether the curve of the blade was designed to be thinner for more aerodynamic qualities, or if the handle has a certain shape that allows it to be gripped more securely, the knife or dagger has to be one of the most designed weapons of all time. Each culture around the world has its own type of blade, from small stilettos to sabers, they vary from the small to the gigantic.
Grenades were designed to not only provide impact for a faraway object, it also adds additional damage from shrapnel as it explodes. Simply said, it’s a two-in-one, and many armies around the world take advantage of this.
Although this seems as if it’s a weird blog post, I was essentially surrounded by weapons (Black Ops came out, and my dorm is full of gamers), this thought has actually crossed my mind many times. I, however, am not usually this violent. :)

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