These happen to be almost the most literal way to describe design in society. These are displays of design in society—window displays trying to draw you into their fantasy worlds, saying “Buy me! Buy me!”
As children wandering down streets of shops with our parents, who hasn’t stopped and pointed at a display, tugging at their parents sleeves, saying, “Please! Buy this for me! It looks so fun/pretty/cool!” It takes a good display to entice the young minds.
A lot of thought goes into putting up displays. They have to take into consideration the new trends for toys, but also the environment and the things the kids would like—possibly starting a new trend.
It’s a combination of interior design and fashion, color coordination and spatial arrangement. The ultimate goal is to draw in the viewer, to wish that they had the items featured even though the items themselves may not be the best or of the highest quality. They draw you in using color, to make it POP! And to attract all the attention. Then, they use bright lights and subtleties, to keep you interested at the window, thus gaining the attention of even more people, slowly then, gathering a crowd at the window.
Even like this, design permeates society. It slowly seeps in through the cracks, from how one’s mother would arrange the plates at dinner-time, to what kind of household accessories she buys, to how she cleans and arranges the house. Everyday life is filled with design, to the objects one holds to the ones one arranges. There is no escaping design.
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