Please name something off the top of your head that you need every day. Perhaps you’d like a seat while you do that? Or how about you put down that cup of coffee on this table that was just a chair. No? How about lounging then?
The one item that amazed me was the multipurpose chair. It is such an everyday item, and our preconception of chairs often turns into the regular four-legged wooden chair with a straight back. However, when we turn our eyes to the amazing world of design, we are often greeted with amazingly elegant pieces of work.
The new sleek design was incredible to me, and it particularly struck me that not all chairs needed to look the same. I developed a love of looking through furniture magazines, not because we needed a new chair, but to see what people were doing with their creativity. That chair doesn’t need to be stuck as a chair, it can be a bar stool, or a coffee table, or a mini-lounge—many doors have been opened for chairs.
I find the fact that such an ordinary item can be twisted into something else—it’s almost symbolic for human lives. We need not live by the stereotypes we are sometimes defined by, we can adapt and develop different skills.
Why stop there? Why not create a fold-able multipurpose chair, or something with wheels? Something for the masses, or something we can use at home to just conserve space. What humans need, humans make.

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