Hulloa! I hail from the Bay area, or otherwise known as “not that far from Davis.” I’m a freshman this year, and I’m majoring in Design. I hope to end up majoring (so far, anyway) in Visual Communications, which seems to fit my various interests best.
I’ve always been interested in art, from the time I picked up that grape-scented silly marker, to now, when I doodle all over my notes and white boards in the dorm.
I have a love of looking through magazines and websites that feature revamped items like chairs, cars, anything from everyday life. I love how simple items become useful for everything, how that chair can become a table, and how that paper case for your chopsticks can become an object that lets you rest your chopsticks off the table.
I also love the aesthetic aspect of design. I love messing with typography and creating eye-catching powerpoints, trying to mix in as many bright colors I can into one painting, the simple exploration and experimentation of design—the search for the best result.
I hope to continue in design regardless of circumstances, and in any case, it’s already integrated itself into my everyday life, it would be hard to distance myself from design now.
In the end, all I hope to do is create something that simplifies life in a big way, like the discovery of electricity or the invention of the easy chair. I have simple desires and needs, I like to think simply (though this happens not nearly enough), and I am, hopefully, simple to like.
Nice to meet you too! :3
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