How did the wheel come to be? It was designed. Or perhaps chanced upon. But the wheel has morphed the way humans have interacted and lived in this world, and the wheel has been increasingly changed and improved, adapting to how human life has evolved.
Design permeates every aspect of society, from the water bottles we carry to the streets we walk on, designers left their touch. Whether design is used to increase our adeptness for surviving in an increasingly polluted world, or whether it’s used for a sleeker design in motorcycles, without design everyday life would not only look a lot plainer, it would also be harder.
Design has adapted to the human need with increasing awareness of sustainability and how the items leave an impact on Earth. People are increasingly aware of the fact that we need to reuse, and renew. An example of how this is integrating itself into society is how the stars are also making an effort to spread the news to the masses—we are the only ones that can save our planet.
Designers are constantly thinking of new ways to simplify life, to make it more beautiful, and to make it more user friendly. They’re trying to decrease the number of parts they need to make, to help make things easier to fix and keep. In a world where sophistication often meant frills and excessive things, people are now looking forward to the image ‘modern’ now conveys—simplistic; beautiful.
Society has always viewed design as a means for a beautified exterior, but in fact design also makes everyday easier for the ordinary folks.